cheap prepaid cell phones: 9/14/08 - 9/21/08

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Prepaid Cellular Phones - Reasons Why You Should Buy a Prepaid Cellular Phone

“Prepaid cellular phones” probably doesn’t conjure up the sexiest mental image, but pre-paid phones certainly have their place and can be extremely useful. In this brief article, I’m going to outline some of the advantages to buying a prepaid mobile phone and why you might want to consider doing it in the future.
So, what exactly are prepaid cellular phones? A prepaid phone is one in which you purchase the phone and minutes upfront. There are no contracts, no credit checks, and it’s impossible to run up massive cell phone bills with prepaid cellular phones. Now that you know what these are, let’s talk about a few of the reasons why you should consider buying one.
For one, a prepaid cellular phone doesn’t require a credit check in order to set up service. This is great for anyone who has a bad credit history because a traditional cell phone contract would require a substantial deposit from them.
Secondly, a prepaid mobile phone doesn’t require you to sign any long-term contracts. Since you are purchasing your usage minutes upfront, you won’t end up getting locked into a contract just to obtain service. This is great for anyone who is unsure about their situation and doesn’t know where they will be in a year or so.
Lastly, prepaid cell phones eliminate those shockingly expensive bills that seem to come out of nowhere. With a pre-paid phone, it’s impossible to run over your minutes and end up with a huge bill that you can’t pay. This makes pre-paid cellular phones an excellent choice for parents who have teenagers. Kids love to talk on the phone, and with a prepaid phone you’ll never have to worry about your child overusing their phone.
Hopefully this article has given you some food for thought as to why you might want to consider buying a prepaid cellular phone. While they don’t have a sexy reputation, prepaid phones definitely do serve a purpose and can really come in handy.

Article Source: Jonathan_Baker

Cheap Prepaid Cell Phones

Are prepaid phones of value to someone who is looking to purchase a new phone? Well the term "cheap prepaid cell phones" is one of the most searched terms on the internet; so apparently more and more people are finding these phones of value.
So what exactly is a prepaid phone and are they beneficial to someone who is looking for a new phone? Well essentially a prepaid phone is a phone that you pay for the minutes that you want to talk. It is called airtime and when you run out of airtime you then upload the phone with more airtime so that you can talk some more.
You can find cheap prepaid cell phones pretty much anywhere. They are becoming more and more popular; that some of the hottest retail stores like Wal-Mart and Target may even carry them in some cities.
There are no monthly contracts and you are not bound to a thing. If you choose not to reload the phone with more airtime you do not have to. You can easily change providers if you find that you are unhappy with the current one that you have. These phones believe it or not are becoming more and more popular; people are realizing that they do not like be stuck in contracts and those that do not use the phones too much can benefit the most from these phones.
People do not really understand how this works so they tend to stick with signing contract; because that is what they are familiar with. However there is a plan that provides someone an option to purchasing a cap plan. This is where you are provided with a certain amount of airtime on for the price that you pay; beware that you will only be given that particular month to use the airtime. Basically you will receive about 5 times the airtime as what you paid for. So lets say that you paid $50; then you should get around $250 worth of calls. Of course it will depend on the provider that you are dealing with.
So the next time you are searching for a cell phone and do not know anything about the provider it may benefit you to look into the cheap prepaid cell phones and give it a shot. This will help you determine whether you want to do business with that particular company or not.
You may find this to be a waste of time; however with the low cost of using prepaid cell phones; it may save you time and money from trying to get out of that unwanted contract that you sign too quickly. Believe it or not more and more people are finding that if they take the time to choose the right company they are able to pick the right company that they are happy with.
If you found this article on "cheap prepaid cell phones" helpful; visit our site below. You will be amazed to discover all the great deals on cell phones, accessories, family plans and yes even prepaid cell phones.
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